Saturday, July 30, 2011

The Title

So the more I think about it, the more I dislike the title of this blog. I tried so many other titles like A Taste For Adventure and such, but they were all taken. I kind of just got tired of trying to figure out a title that wasn't taken, so I gave in to Tasting Adventure. I mean, it still fits, but it sounds ridiculous. I am going to be exploring Europe for the first time and it is pretty much the first legit time I have been out of the US, so I am going to get a taste for travel. I am also going to be on another "adventure" entirely because I will actually have to feed myself for the first time in my life. Yes, I do feed myself currently, but I am also not currently working or going to school. In the last four years, I was eating either at home with my parents feeding me or at the school dining commons.

Friday, July 29, 2011

The Beginning

So I decided to start a blog before I leave the good ol' US of A. This blog is to be my space to update family, friends, and randoms about my adventures in Europe. Having never been I am rather nervous, but ultimately excited. I will be attending school in the UK and for the first time in my life, I will have to go to school and actually cook for myself. This, of course, is not to say that I cannot cook, but I am still limited in my abilities and really prefer baking to actually having to feed myself meals like lunch and dinner. So if all goes as planned, this will house some pictures of my travels and some pictures of how well (or how poorly) I am feeding myself. It may also contain some complaints or frustrations from time to time. You have been warned.