Saturday, March 24, 2012

Home of the Belgian Waffle...

and Chocolate! Yummy!!!!!

Sorry for the tragically late post of this adventure. It happened back in December, but being a procrastinator and somewhat busy, you will either have to forgive me and move on or just get over it. Your choice, of course.

The picture below is a cool building close to my hostel. Apparently it is the Basilica of Koekelberg and is the fifth largest church of the world. I just learned this and I mean right now at 11pm on March 24th. It is always cool to find out that wandering brings you to.

Below are some houses around where my hostel was. They just seemed so picturesque and really just reminded me of Mary Poppins. Granted that took place in England and well this is Brussels, but whatever!

This cool building reminds me of Stark Industries. If you don't know what I am referring to, watch or read Iron Man or The Avengers or you could even pay attention to Captain America. Ooooohhh Ahhhhhh! Yay Superheroes! Back to the topic at hand, this building is from the Brussels Expo, which sort of makes sense that it reminds me of Stark Industries because they had an expo too! I am aware that  there are expos that are not just from comics, but my mind often revolves around those comic book heros.
This also reminds me of Stark... errrr I mean oh wow! Look at the cool futuristic building that was also part of the Brussels Expo. Neat-o!

I went to this place that I guess you can call an amusement park because it provides a place to waste time and I was quite amused by it. It was a place called Mini Europe, which is a rather fitting tittle seeing as it hold miniatures of popular places in Europe. As can be seen below, there is the tiny eiffel tower and tiny little buildings and boats! Yay for tiny things!

For some reason miniatures have always intrigued and delighted me. Maybe it is because they make me feel like a giant and I can stomp around going "RRAAAAAWWWWWWWRRRRRR I EAT YOU TINY CARS AND STOMP AROUND!!!!!!!!! AAAAAAARRRRGGGGGHHHHHHH ME BIG YOU TINY! MWHAHAHAHAHA!" Of course, it could just be that I can't believe that people have that much time and patience, as well as a steady hand, to make such tiny and intricate things, but who really knows? Below is me trying to take a picture inside a fake suit of armour, but travelling alone makes such things quite difficult.

This majestic picture is one of the Atomium, which was discussed earlier. I didn't go inside of it because I didn't find that paying a large sum of money was worth it, but I did find great joy in looking at it and took loads of pictures of it. This one is my favourite because of the reflection in the Mini Europe lake.

This is part of a building I found when I got lost. Because I was lost and have an awful memory, I have no idea what the building actually was, but I do believe it had something to do with politics. I saw it somewhere around the European Commission I believe.

A cool old building! If you haven't figured it out yet, I love old and/or cool looking buildings and take a gargantuan amount of pictures of them. The ones I post are not even close to the amount I actually take. This is in the Parc du Cinquantenaire.
 As is this!

AUTOWORLD!!!!! It had never occurred to me how beautiful cars can be. I never really appreciated how far they have come or thought much about how they looked as long as they got me where I needed to go. Yes I had an occasional "Oh that is pretty!" moment, but then I would think of how much a pretty car would probably cost and how much or rather how little I have in the bank to pay for this trip and my tuition and my living expenses and then maybe eventually if I have enough left, a car. Nevermind about my expenses now as I am pretty well off and am not in need of a car and all of that. All I meant to say was that Autoworld has sparked my interest in cars and so now I will show you some of them! Hella Yeah! But first, the parking lot and the building that housed the cars.
Actually looking back, I think this is the building directly opposite, but they mirrored each other, so it is basically the same thing.

Old cars like this one are pretty nifty looking.

And look at that old motorbike!

This cool car reminds me of Mr. Freeze's car and so, I want it. If you didn't realise earlier that I love superheroes and, in turn, their villains, this post has probably solidified it.

Oooooo look this car only has three wheels!

This certainly isn't a car, but it is a royal carriage! And of course, I want this too!

And this sporty little racer too! Give me! Give me! Give me! I don't need it, I just want it like really, really bad.

An overhead shot of the inside of the building!

My walk home consisted of going through Leopold Park
This is the European Parliament building and looks better at night than it does during the day.
 The following picture is of Federal Parliament.

The picture above is from the Botanique. It was beautiful and fun to explore the so called green labyrinth.
The following pictures are from the Comic Strip Museum. Although I couldn't understand what any of the strips said, looking at the artistry was pretty cool and some of the set stuff was fun!

Another cathedral!!!! This one is the cathedral of Saint Michael.

Pretty gold filigree on a pretty cool looking building!
 The original peeing statue. Honestly, I wasn't that interested, but everyone that was at the fountain seemed so interested. My dad told me he remembers seeing it, so of course I had to go see it too!
 Another peeing statue. This one is more recent, but I think it is much cuter.
That's all for Belgium, but stayed tuned for Amsterdam! Whooo! This takes forever to type up!