Saturday, August 11, 2012

Ferrying About

As you know (or would know if you read the post before this one), I went to Patras and stayed the night before grabbing the ferry to Italy back in Spring. It was a nice place, but man was I tired when I arrived. This is mostly due to the fact that I walked an hour and a half from the bus station to my hotel with all of my stuff and if you know me, you know I can't pack light. This was partially due to the fact that I was told it was only a thirty minute walk and mostly due to the fact I got myself lost, very, very, very lost. Luckily, my hotel had an awesome view. I mean just look at it!

After a quick nap, I did a bit of a walk around the city.  This was a cool church that was about five minutes from my hotel. I moseyed around and found myself not much impressed with the other buildings, so eventually I headed back to my hotel.

Here are some more photos of the view from my hotel room. As you can see from the bright lights, there was a little fun fair taking place.

The next day, I checked out of my hotel and made my way to the ferry. The bag show in the picture isn't mine by the way, I was just too lazy to get up and take a photo of the ship.

Here is part of the interior of the ship from where I ended up sleeping. Yes I slept in an uncomfortable chair because I didn't want to pay extra money for a bed or a real seat.

At least my spot had a nice view of the water!

The following afternoon, we arrived in Ancona, Italy.

Here is a closer view of part of the city.

After getting off the ferry, I walked about twenty minutes to my hostel and met a lovely woman. She and I ended up getting pizza and talking for the majority of the evening. I didn't see much in Ancona, but I wasn't really interested in exploring it too much.

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