Wednesday, August 15, 2012

The Story

So travelling on my own can sometimes lead people, especially men, to ask me questions about me and my travels. As I want to be protect myself, I don't share the truth with people. So basically I am a huge liar. Now my lies are usually used to fend off the men who are trying to get me to go out with them and these men tend to be ten years my senior and working in something like retail. I often times I think they are lying to me anyway, so I have no issue not being honest with them. For example, yesterday this guy was trying to take me out for the evening and was telling me how he had two master degrees in finance and business, but he left his job in Australia to come to Florence and sell purses as a street vendor. I am sorry, but really? I know that it has probably happened before, but really?
Anyways, I thought I would share what my "life" has become.
My lies are as follows

  1. I am travelling with my friend Alyssa.
  2. My friend Alyssa is actually my girlfriend
  3. I am travelling with my boyfriend.
    1. His name is Brian. (I named him after my favourite Backstreet Boy/ first celebrity crush so it is always easy to remember. Hey! Don't judge me! I was young!) 
  4. The person I am travelling with is inside that store/church/cafe/etc waiting for me
  5. Although I hail from California, I am currently living in the UK.
    1. If they ask for something more specific, I say I am just outside of London.
  6. I am working in Student Accommodation in England.
  7. My boyfriend is meeting up with me tomorrow and I can't wait! I haven't seen him in months
    1. This only works if I don't say number 2
  8. I leave tomorrow
  9. I have plans with family friends and cannot meet up
  10. I am staying with family friends
  11. I have a ride from the train station/bus station/airport/etc because I am meeting up with my family/family friends/my friends...
  12. I only carry my phone in case of emergencies because the charges are so high, so I can't give you my number or take yours.
  13. I don't have a facebook, so we can't be facebook friends
    1. They then tend to ask "What? Why?" and I respond with something like "I don't like people knowing so much about me especially if we haven't made the effort to stay in contact"
  14. I don't drink alcohol
    1. This one always warrants a multitude of questions about why I don't drink so I say things like
      1. It is personal
      2. My family has a few alcoholics in it. you know genetics and all
      3. Bad decisions can occur when drunk
      4. My friend had a close call, so she and I made a pact.
Sometimes I think that my lies are ridiculous and someone is going to call me out on them, but no one has. I then thank them for their interest and say that I have to go to meet up with said travelling companion.

I cannot wait to not have to do so much lying when I get home!

4 full days until I hop on a plane home!

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